Friday, June 8, 2012

Ron Paul? Where Do We Go From Here?

The Republican primary season is over. Romney will be the Republican nominee because Republican primary voters overwhelmingly voted for bigger government, more spending, endless wars, bankster bailouts and never ending fascist corporate welfare. The vitriolic chatter on Twitter and Facebook has now begun. Why didn't Ron Paul just run 3rd party? Why did Rand Paul endorse Romney? From the level of anger, one would have thought that the famous father and son duo embraced Satan, Stalin and Hitler.

Losing is never painless. Just ask any longtime liberty activist who has been at this for decades. Ron Paul isn't the problem. Rand Paul isn't the problem. The problem lies with American voters who picked their poison at the ballot box. It's delusional to think that Republican voters ever cared about liberty or the Constitution or even the futures of their progeny who they eagerly condemned to generations of debt slavery and economic impoverishment. Frankly, I've never known a Republican loyalist who didn't support big government, the wholesale slashing of civil liberties, gargantuan deficits, a muscular interventionist foreign policy, murderous wars, entitlement programs, corporate welfare and statism on steroids.

If anybody harbors the insane delusion that Republicans are somehow fiscal conservatives, it's been well documented that the 'Tea Party' Republicans who sailed into the House of Representatives in 2011 turned out to be bigger spending congressional representatives than the Democrats they replaced, here.

The Republican-controlled House of Representatives, which took office in January 2011, has enacted federal spending bills under which the national debt has increased more in less than one term of Congress than in the first 97 Congresses combined.....
The approximately $1.59 trillion in new debt accumulated since the Republican-controlled House gained a veto over federal spending legislation is more than the total increase in the federal debt between 1789, when the first Congress convened, and October 1984, when the 98th Congress was nearing the end of its second session.

Except for the contentious social issues, there are ZERO differences between Republicans and Democrats.  The R's and the D's may have ever so slight variations in their brand of totalitarian statist poison but the differences between the parties are extremely negligible.

Why?  Because both the R's and the D's are nothing but money laundering machines as well as wholly owned subsidiaries of the banksters, military industrial complex, prison industrial complex and fascist corporate welfare queens.

Unfortunately, the American Sheeple People really don't care how corrupt and evil their elected leaders are so long as their entitlement checks keep flowing.  Those who do care are a minority.

I refuse to wallow in depression because Ron Paul won't be the next president.  Ron Paul is leading a revolution more than he's running for president.  Ron Paul has devoted his entire public life to educating folks on the critical importance of peace, liberty, prosperity and the constitution.

As a Libertarian since the early 1970's, I waited 40 freaking years for the Revolution to start.  It started back in 2008 when Ron Paul launched his campaign for the presidency.

We've come a very long way since 2008.  Millions more are awake and Ron Paul's 2012 performance was a vast improvement over his 2008 performance.  The liberty movement is growing and America finally has a generation of politically motivated young folks who are discovering the meaning of what real liberty is all about.  None of this would be possible without Ron Paul.

So I'm not shedding any whiny tears because I always knew that Ron Paul faced a difficult uphill battle, with the biggest obstacle being the Republican voter.

Still, I will continue to celebrate the arrival and growth of the Revolution because I indeed lived to see it happen.  The bankster owned statists who comprise the Republican and Democrat parties are finally being exposed for the thieving and murderous criminals that they are and have always been.

Ron Paul wasn't defeated.  Against all odds, Ron Paul heroically planted the seeds of liberty.  We just need to continue to lovingly nurture those seeds so they will someday blossom into a liberty garden that is truly beautiful and bountiful.

Meanwhile, I will be supporting Gary Johnson for president.  Gary Johnson is not Ron Paul but he's close enough and a whole lot better than Obama or Romney.

Judy Morris

Twitter: judy morris@judymorris3



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