Sunday, June 3, 2012

Complicity in the Demise of Your Nation

Artist: Bosch Fawstin

Guest post by Facebook friend Mark von Schnoutenstein who can be found here.

Whether you choose to vote for Mitt Romney or Barack Obama in the 2012 election you will be supporting one of two "choices" from a corrupt and violent system that is in the midst of self-annihilation. You will be directly contributing to the demise of your nation.

Your vote, whether it be enthusiastic or not, is still counted the same. Is this not true? Your vote for a politician, from their viewpoint, is an automatic endorsement of their political platform and philosophies. Your vote is an endorsement of all the policies that will be enacted while your representative is in office. Why else would would you have put them there? Is not an elected official in office to be a representative of the people's collective will? Based on these categorical facts, if you choose to vote for either illusion of choice, you are endorsing the following:

*Targeted Assassination of US Citizens without charge or trial. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Indefinite detention of US Citizens without charge or trial. We now live in a Pre-Habeas Corpus legal system. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Invasion and occupation of Iraq: 100s of thousands murdered, millions destitute, millions displaced. No declaration of War. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Indefinite “War on Terror”. Undefined, undeclared, Indefinite War in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia, Libya, and Syria. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Global interventionism, targeted killings, nation-building, American state-sponsored terrorism, warmongering. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Patriot ACT: Warrantless wire tapping, collecting “lists” on individual citizens, destruction of all personal privacy, recording all digital communications, warrantless GPS tracking. Let’s just call it "The. Police State." Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Sweeping restrictions on Gun ownership. Permanent assault weapons ban signed by Mitt “TheEstablishment” Rmoney in MA. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Obama-care. Based on Mitt “The Establishment” Rmoney’s MA mandate healthcare laws. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Social Security. Socialist Ponzi scheme and forced extraction of money from the young to give to the old. Kind of like Grandpa giving his grandson a nickel, then snatching it out of his hands. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Socialist medicine: Medicade + Medicare. Vastly expanding Federal bureaucracy, power over the states, and national debt. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Continuation of an unmitigated expansion of Federal Bureaucracy via new departments and continuing ineffective old ones. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Inflation (Destruction) of US Currency (people’s savings) via Federal Reserve, Centralized Federal “management” of the Economy, Keynesian economics, Corporatism (“Corporations are people my friend.”), and fractional reserve banking. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Militarism and infinite expansion of the Military Industrial Complex. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Drug War (50+ years) with a million American jailed and 10s of thousands of Mexicans murdered because of it. 100s of billions wasted with nothing to show for it. Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Too Big to Fail: Giving away 100s of billions, likely multiple trillions, to Mega-Banks that happen to contribute the most to BOTH White Obamney and Half-Kenyan Obamney. Too save time let’s call it “Crony Capitalism.” Obamney is for this. You endorse this.

*Taking power from the States, destroying the US Constitution, destruction of Individual Liberty, and centralizing all power in the Federal Government: SEE ALL ABOVE.

*Infinite National Debt growth resulting in Economic catastrophe: SEE ALL ABOVE.

Why should we be surprised at the poor quality of politicians when, for far too long, we have bred them to be this way? We breed animals and plants for various desired traits: Politicians are no different. We have selected our politicians based on only one desired trait: being the "lesser of two evils."

Is this really what you want to perpetuate or will you draw a line in the sand and cease to support this corrupt system?


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