Friday, August 24, 2012

Election 2012: The Big Yawn Blame Game

Election 2012 has kicked off. It's Obamney and Paultard vs Obushma and Train Wreck Biden. Yawn! Such a potent sleeping pill should keep sane folks everywhere away from the dangers of Republican and Democrat ballot box gulags.

The Republican primary voting base has spoken: We want more wars, more socialism, more entitlements, more fiat money, more bankster bailouts, more spending, more deficits, more debt, more assaults on civil liberties, more prisons and more oppressive totalitarian governance.

The Democrat primary voting base has spoken: We want more wars, more socialism, more entitlements, more fiat money, more bankster bailouts, more spending, more deficits, more debt, more assaults on civil liberties, more prisons and more oppressive totalitarian governance.

What does this say about the American people? It just might prove that the American people may in fact be the only folks in human history to have had liberty and consciously and willfully decided to vote away their liberty.

What does it say about America's 2 party system? It unequivocally confirms that the Republican Party and the Democratic Party are one and the same - The Uniparty of Collectivist Statist Oppression.

Why even vote Republican or Democrat when we know we will only get more wars, more socialism, more entitlements, more fiat money, more bankster bailouts, more spending, more deficits, more debt, more assaults on civil liberties, more prisons and more oppressive totalitarian governance?

Change? The only change Americans will ever get will be the change that comes with permanently rejecting and disemboweling the Republican and Democratic Parties. The RNC and DNC machines are nothing but money laundering operations as well as wholly owned subsidiaries of the banksters, military industrial complex, prison industrial complex and fascist corporatist special interests.

A vote for permanent residence on the Republican or Democrat Plantation is hardly a vote for liberty.  It's more of a vote to permanently enslave yourself.

I'm voting for real change and will be voting for Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson because he truly represents real change and at least a chance to demolish the corrupt to the core 2 party system that delivers nothing except more of the same.

America desperately needs a return to peace, liberty and prosperity. That's the hope I'll be voting for in November. Meanwhile the R's and D's can do what they always do - blame the other guy and the other party.


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