Saturday, July 21, 2012

Pay Check Loans Are a Short Term Solution

For many families financial security seems just a dream after the upheavals of recent years. The first priority has become living from pay day to pay day. At least pay check loans are an option for those in difficulty, particularly those faced with an urgent bill which needs to be settled immediately. That bill could be for repairs, medical treatment, insurance or education. If an insurance bill is not paid cover will be withdrawn, medical treatment cannot begin and if the car won't start getting to work may be a problem.

In some instances pay check loans are simply to keep the family going until the next pay day arrives but if there is an over reliance on such loans, a family needs to make a radical appraisal of its financial circumstances, and examine every piece of expenditure.

Pay check loans provide a service but at a price. Typically a lender can charge up to $30 for every $100 borrowed. They will cover emergencies in the absence of a credit card which was a more normal solution in the days of easy credit. A struggling family may have lost credit cards some time ago if the crisis led to default and with no spare cash it needs a solution.

These loans are repayable on pay day either by direct debit or by the presentation of a signed check for the amount due which was drawn up and signed on the day when the pay check loan was approved. In some instances the repayment period can be extended but of course that is at a further cost.

The size of a loan will very much depend on the regular monthly income which of course also needs to pay the other household bills in the coming month. Generally a lender will not advance much more than 25% of that income figure and there are few companies who will consider a loan of much more than $1500.

The lenders do not require any credit history; it is completely irrelevant as the pay check loan is advanced against proof of income and sight of a checking account though name and address details are an obvious requirement. There needs to be some proof of stability in employment and residence. The whole application process can be done online with no need to discuss a personal situation with a stranger.

If the loan is approved, funds will be transferred into the checking account within hours so an urgent bill can be settled immediately.

There is a great deal of information on lenders offering these loans on the internet with the general information highlighted to make comparisons extremely easy. It is certainly a topic to research because it is an expensive form of borrowing. The essential element is the service provided but if a family needs to revisit a lender on a regular basis something needs to change, either increased monthly income or reduced expenditure as stated above.



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