Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stop Romney in CA by registering Republican to vote for Ron Paul

In 2008, about 3 million Republicans voted in California's closed Republican primary. If the folks in California oppose the wars and the banksters, they have an awesome opportunity for their vote to make a huge difference. All they have to do is change their voter registration by 5/21 and vote for Ron Paul in the Republican primary on June 5.

California voter registration information is here, and it's easy.  
Your registration must be postmarked no later than: May 21, 2012
With over 17 million registered voters and nearly 24 million folks who are eligible to vote, CA definitely has the numerical firepower to outvote the Republican neocons.
As of February 2011, voter registration is at 72.8% with 17.2 million of the 23.6 million eligible voters registered to vote. Forty-four percent are registered as Democrats, 30.9% as Republicans, 20.4% as decline-to-state or independents, and 4.7% as other parties.
Read the rest here
Public Policy Institute of California

Judy Morris


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