Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Ron Paul campaign NEVER Ends Because it's a REVOLUTION in Progress

As the primary season grinds along and folks are getting depressed because Ron Paul has yet to win one state, I have some advice:

The Ron Paul campaign NEVER ends because it's a REVOLUTION in progress

 It took us many decades (at least a century) to arrives at this miserably low point in our history. The situation isn't about to dramatically change for the better any time soon because the Sheeple People still believe that the government holds the power to just fix everything make it all better. Obviously, sane folks who have analysed the situation intuitively understand that things are really bad and there's absolutely nothing that the government can do to restore prosperity to the people. America desperately needs peace, liberty and prosperity but government is a pox upon those noble goals.

We need to stay focused and continue the Revolution for Liberty. It's growing, it's popular and it's necessary. More importantly, we need to remind ourselves of how much progress we've made since 2008. Just compare Ron Paul's 2008 results vs. 2012. We can honestly shout that 'we've come a long way baby'.

Iowa (RP 2008 10%)
Santorum 25, Romney 25, Paul 21, Gingrich 13

New Hampshire (RP 2008 9%)
Romney 39, Paul 23, Huntsman 17, Gingrich & Santorum 9

South Carolina (RP 2008 4%)
Gingrich 40, Romney 28, Santorum 17, Paul 13

Florida (RP 2008 3%)
Romney 46, Gingrich 33, Santorum 13, Paul 7

Nevada (RP 2008 14%)
Romney 50, Gingrich 20, Paul 19, Santorum 10

Colorado (RP 2008 8%)
Santorum 40, Romney 35, Gingrich 13, Paul 12

Minnesota (RP 2008 16%)
Santorum 45, Paul 27, Romney 17, Gingrich 11

Missouri (RP 2008 5%)
Santorum 55, Romney 25, Paul 12

Maine (RP 2008 18%)
Romney 39, Paul 35, Santorum 18, Gingrich 7

Arizona (RP 2008 4%)
Romney 49, Santorum 26, Gingrich 16, Paul 9

Michigan (RP 2008 6%)
Romney 41, Santorum 37, Paul 12, Gingrich 7

Washington (RP 2008 22%)
 Romney 38, Paul 25, Santorum 24, Gingrich 10

Wyoming Straw Poll (2008 not found)
Romney 39, Santorum 32, Paul 21, Gingrich 8

Alaska (RP 2008 17%)
Romney 33, Santorum 29, Paul 24, Gingrich 14

Georgia (RP 2008 3%)
Gingrich 47, Romney 26, Santorun 20, Paul 7

Idaho (RP 2008 24%)
Romney 62, Santorum 18, Paul 18, Gingrich 2

Massachusetts (RP 2008 3%)
Romney 72, Santorum 12, Paul 10, Gingrich 5

North Dakota (RP 2008 21%)
Santorun 40, Paul 28, Romney 24, Gingrich 9

Ohio (RP 2008 5%)
Romney 38, Santorun 37, Gingrich 15, Paul 9

Oklahoma (RP 2008 3%)
Santorun 34, Romney 28, Gingrich 28, Paul 10

Tennessee RP 2008 6%)
Santorum 37, Romney 28, Gingrich 24, Paul 9

Vermont (RP 2008 7%)
Romney 40, Paul 26, Santorum 24, Gingrich 8

Virginia (RP 2008 5%)
Romney 60, Paul 40

These are not bad numbers, especially when one considers that the most Republican primary voters are mostly social conservatives, big government statists and foreign policy interventionist hawks.  Sadly, the GOP base is hostile to the principles of constitutional liberty as envisioned by our founders.  But the demographics of exit polls are full of hope.  Ron Paul cleaned up with the youth vote and we finally have a generation of folks who have not only rediscovered the principles but liberty but are willing to politically mobilize to fight for liberty.

As a Libertarian since the early 1970's, I've waited 40 freaking years for this Revolution.  It's finally happening, I'm enjoying it and I definitely refuse to get depressed because we haven't won it quickly.

Meanwhile, the Revolution continues and we work to educate folks on issue that are critically important for a free and voluntary society.

I"m full of hope and liberty activists should also be hopeful.  We are WINNING!  


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