Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Low Rate Personal Loans - Affordable Money For Various Purposes

While every borrower wants to find out a low rate personal loan, so that its repayment can be made without putting much stress on one's finances, still the rate will depend on lots of factors. Hence, you should go well prepared to the lenders, keeping certain things in mind.

These loans are made to the people at low interest rate for personal purposes like home improvements, debt-consolidation, wedding, purchasing a car, enjoying a holiday tour etc. You should not be carrying many risks for the lenders, implying that usually the approval comes for people having an excellent or good credit history. However, once the borrower's intentions and repayment capability is established, the loan can be offered to bad credit borrowers as well.

Interest rate on personal loans can be low once you have pledged a property like home or a vehicle for collateral. The secured loan is an ideal option also for bad credit borrowers, who have late payments, defaults, arrears and CCJs, as they can ask the lenders for lowering the rate on the back of their property. Not only that, they can even borrow big amount in the range of £5000 to £75000 for a comfortable duration of 5 to 25 years. However, if you have no property to offer as collateral, then the rate will be little higher on picking up an unsecured personal loan. Still, the rate may be lowered for good credit borrowers. Only smaller amount of £1000 to £25000 will be approved, and it should be repaid in six months to 15 years.

It is crucial that you have checked your credit report from all the three major bureaus, so that you're all the payments find correct mention in it. If there are some blemishes in your record, then win the faith of the lender by clearing some of the bad credit tags before making the application.

The key to find low rate personal loans is to take out them online, as you can compare number of lenders for competitive rates. Apply for the rate quotes of such lenders for a fruitful comparison. Certainly these loans involve cheap costs for the borrowers once a suitable deal is found.

Source: EzineArticles.com/?expert=Macrony_Bays


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