Monday, September 12, 2011

Sunday payday loans

Payday loan is a short term loans for bad credit that is normally taken by a person in between his paydays so that he can meet certain urgent and unforeseen expenses. The borrower is supposed to return the loan amount along with the lender's charges when he/she gets his next paycheck. If due to some reason, the borrower is not able to return the loan as originally stipulated, it can be rolled over till the next paycheck by paying extra charges and an additional interest. This carries on till the loan amount is fully repaid.

Cash advance can be obtained from many companies that specialize in making payday loan advances. Besides these companies, banks and other financial institutions also provide same day payday loan facility. A payday loan can also be obtained if you apply online as there are many lenders operating on the Internet nowadays.

Most people make use of traditional installment loans as source of instant cash in times of emergencies. However, such emergency cash problems do not only occur during regular business days and many times people might need loans on the weekends. Only a few companies offer weekend loans to their customers. However, payday loans offered on weekends provide less amount of cash as compared to those which are offered regular weekdays.

Though the cash offered may be less, but this too can be of great help to you during an emergency. If you need money till eleven in the night on Saturday then you need not wait till Monday for getting financial relief. Even the traditional services offered by banks normally are not available in weekends so you cannot try there too. In order to get such weekend loans you need to search for companies which provide such special monetary support on weekends to people.

The lenders of weekend payday loans will lend money to their customers on Friday, Saturday and Sunday payday loans. The major difference between traditional weekday and weekend loans is days on which they are availed. No matter you apply for these loans during working weeks or weekends their procedures remain the same. However, lending terms of companies offering weekend payday loans vary from company to company.

The money gets sanctioned within twenty-four hours after you fill and submit your application form. The time taken for loan to get approved depends on essential checks performed by lenders. In addition, lenders may ask borrowers to provide their bank details, salary skip, residential proof and age proof. Once all these details are provided lenders approve loans instantly. It's very easy to get a fast easy payday loan as the requirements are not very stringent. Basically, you need to prove that you are employed and you have a steady source of income. You should also be an American citizen, at least 18 years old and have a checking account in a bank. Moreover, you should be earning at least £1000 per month to avail the payday loan facility.
Hence, you need to be having necessary qualifications for applying to such loans as unexpected emergencies may arise at any time.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Group challenges auditor on payday loan estimate

Supporters of a proposal to severely restrict the fees charged by payday lenders are, like their opponents, challenging in court an estimate of the measure’s impact on state revenues.

Missourians for Responsible Lending is proposing to cut the maximum interest rate on the Payday loans for attorneys to 36 percent, mirroring the limit set in federal law for such loans to soldiers and sailors. The financial impact of the measure was evaluated by State Auditor Tom Schweich, who rejected estimates from state agencies that it had no impact and instead accepted parts of an analysis by University of Missouri economics Professor Joseph Haslag.

Haslag assumed every payday lender in Missouri would close and concluded the state would lose $2.5 million to $3.5 million in tax revenues, with unknown local government impacts because of loss of licensing and other fees.

There is no reason to believe Haslag’s estimate is any better than that of the state and local entities that determined there would be no impact, said Rudy Pulido, a Baptist minister from St. Louis who is a leader in the initiative drive.

The lawsuit was filed in Cole County and names retired Missouri Adjutant General George Shull and retired priest Jerry Stockman as plaintiffs. No hearing date has been set.

“The state auditor is required to ask the various legal entities throughout the state what is going to be the fiscal impact of that,” Pulido said. “Most of them came back and said there is not going to be any economic impact.”

Missourians for Responsible Lending filed their lawsuit Friday, the day after Kansas City attorney Todd Graves, a former U.S. attorney and brother of U.S. Rep. Sam Graves, joined with Jefferson City attorney Chuck Hatfield, formerly a top aide to Gov. Jay Nixon, to file a challenge claiming Schweich had understated the fiscal impact in his analysis.

Haslag could not be reached for comment this morning. Haslag directs the Economic & Policy Analysis Research Center at MU and is a former director of the conservative Show Me Institute.

Gary McElyea, a spokesman for the auditor’s office, said “the state auditor’s office and secretary of state are frequently named in petition initiative lawsuits” and that the office would have no further comment on the litigation.

Missourians for Responsible Lending is pushing its initiative because the Republican-led legislature has stymied attempts to restrict payday lenders. There are more than 1,000 lenders making the loans, which are for up to $500 for 31 days or less.

Lenders are allowed to charge fees and interest totaling more than 1,900 percent under Missouri law. Lenders typically charge about $20 for each $100 borrowed for two weeks. Missouri law allows the Payday loans for auctions to be renewed up to five times, with a new fee being charged at each renewal.

The proposed initiative, which will need about 100,000 signatures to make next year’s ballot, would limit renewals and require a statewide database to make sure borrowers do not take out multiple loans in excess of the state’s $500 limit.

Payday loans fleece middle earners

There's something about payday loans for young people that makes people feel slightly queasy. It's the killer combination of seeming to offer an easy and immediate solution to your problems, and the unbelievably massive interest rate lurking in the small print.

It would seem therefore that these loans are for people on low incomes who have exhausted all their options. However, new figures have revealed that these aren't the only people falling victim.

High earners take loans

According to Instant Loans Direct, around 57% of the people using one leading payday loans company are earning between £25,000 and £50,000. They are bringing in well in excess of the national average and should surely have the resources that mean they are never backed into the corner of a payday loan.

So what's happening?

On the one hand, they are being priced out of high street loans. With an average interest rate of 12.49%, they are put off the idea of borrowing money formally on a long-term basis. As a result many have been busy over the last few years borrowing up to their overdraft and credit card limits in order to maintain their lifestyle during what they hoped would be a brief downturn.

They have reached a point where every month their salary simply brings their bank account back to zero, and meets the minimum credit card repayment. They may get by on their credit limits in any normal month, but when faced with big expenses like holidays, home or car repairs, they have nowhere else to go.

Giles Coutts of Instant Loans Direct says: "Many assume it's only those on low incomes struggling to get cash from their bank and who resort to payday loans for taxi drivers. But it's actually the middle-earners whose budgets are being bust and who need the cash most desperately to cover them, usually for ten days until payday."

Getting stung

These payday loans are structured to appear affordable. Customers typically borrow a few hundred pounds for less than a week in order to tide them over to the next salary payment. In return they pay what feels like a relatively small amount of cash, possibly around £75.

However, when you boil this down and work out the interest rate it's easily 1,000% on many loans - making every other form of borrowing seem like an absolute bargain.

Instant Loans Direct is one player in this market. Coutts argues that his rates - of just under 500% - compare well against the 1,000% or more charged elsewhere.

What can you do about it?

However, while shopping around for a payday loan may be a very short term solution, next month you need to have started to tackle the underlying problem or you'll be playing catch-up for the rest of your life.

The answer in many cases is the most frugal three months of your life. Cutting costs to the bone for this sort of period, spending less than £4 a day on food and drink, turning the heating off, staying in every night, walking everywhere possible and staying off the phone should make a dramatic difference to your spending. Likewise, trawling the market for the cheapest deals on utilities, phone and broadband will help. Meanwhile, car booting and eBay should help top up the bank balance and eat into your debts. At the end of the three months you should at least have a little wiggle-room.

This should mean you don't need an extra couple of hundred quid at the end of the month, so you have an extra £75 to repay your debts at the start of the next month, and your vicious circle becomes a virtuous one.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Loans till Payday: Is a Reliable Solution

There are times when you might have no cash and might have to meet some urgent expenses. In such cases, loans till payday can be a good option for you. They offer you a reliable solution for your problems. They are accessible to bad creditors also. The amount is immediately granted to you.

The amount you avail in this finance can be used for any household or personal purpose. It can be for payment of electricity bills, grocery bills, library bills, debt consolidation, repairing your car, improvement of your house and so on.

Pounds till payday come with a number of benefits. These benefits are that you do not have to go through any type of credit checks for availing this finance scheme. Thus, any person who is suffering from bad credit status can obtain fund sunder this advance. You can also apply for this finance through the online mode.

You can simply apply online from your house or office. You just have to browse through the various websites and apply for the lender you want to. Then after the lender receives your application, he properly checks it and then approves it. The amount after that is credited into your checking bank account.

An amount extending from £80 to £1500 can be availed in this finance scheme. The amount is required to be settled within 1 to 30 days. The amount should be settled within the given time interval.

There are certain eligibility conditions which have to be fulfilled for availing this credit facility. These conditions are that you should be above the age of 18, you should be regularly employed, you should be a UK citizen and you should.